35. Stuttgarter Filmwinter – Festival for Expanded Media - Trailer
Director: Kerstin Honeit
Performance: Kerstin Honeit / people and dogs from Alexanderplatz (Berlin)
Camera: Ben Brix
Editing Support: Emma Cattell
Sound Mix: Poleposition d.c. - Jochen Jezussek
Quotes from: Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant (Fassbinder) / Petra (Groß, Huber, Schall, Turanskyj) / Learn German with Petra von Kant (Wong)
Mehr lesen / Read more: Grußwort zum Trailer / Welcome Address
Media in Space & Network Culture
Festival programme and catalogue
35th Festival Edition
Online with selected programme on site
At the centre of this year's event horizon from 7 to 16 January 2022 are, for the 35th time, the best submissions for the international call for tenders "Open Call" in the competition categories Short Film, Media in Space and Network Culture as well as the "Buggles Award" the Music Video Award of the Federal Land of Baden-Württemberg. The programme for children, youth, and the whole family has exciting surprises in store, too.
Due to the pandemic development we are forced to hold our 35th festival edition once again available mainly online. Although this time with a few gems for the Stuttgart audience!
Festival venues: FITZ - Das Theater animierter Formen, tri-bühne at Tagblattturm-Areal, Projektraum Kunstverein Wagenhalle
In January 1972, Rainer Werner Fassbinder shot DIE BITTEREN TRÄNEN DER PETRA VON KANT in only ten days in an artists' colony at Worpswede in Lower Saxony. A radical movie about the structures of power and the question: how can we live together/ how do we want to live together? The film's protagonist Petra von Kant puts a fine point on this: "Humans are made in a way to depend on other humans. But they did not learn how to be together."
Fifty years later and with its 35th edition, the Filmwinter Stuttgart - Festival for Expanded Media turns into a laboratory in which we - during the continuous pandemic times – take up the ever-topical issues of the film and reflect the practice of social relations in our capitalist world. In this way, Fassbinder's modern classic turns into humus for our festival edition - a fertile soil that we invigorate anew and differently and that serves us as a culture medium.
With encounters, workshops, performances, film and exhibition programmes in digital and real space, we invite artists and audiences to expand the spectrum of the social "we" oscillating between the ALL and NONE, and to go and look for the TOGETHER.
Like the protagonist Petra in Fassbinder's film, we put on alternating wigs as a symbol for looking at things from the perspective of various roles and positions. Here, the ten days of shooting also serve as an inspiration for the duration of the festival's main phase, which we plan as a hybrid edition - on-site and online.
The frame of the nationally renowned film and media festival will be made up of events and co-operations before and after the main festival days. Highlights, among others, are the SHORTIES, starting in November 2021 after the pause due to the pandemic with respectively three short contributions from the fields of theatre, dance, and film are connected in alternating topics and constellations to result in a night of moving miniatures - a co-operation with FITZ and Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance. From December 2021 until the end of January 2022, a lively programme with and at our co-operation partner KulturKiosk will take place. On 15 December 2021, the exhibition of Florian Fischer and Johannes Krell will open at the Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart. The artists received the German Short Film Award in 2016 and the Golden Bear at the Berlinale 2019 for their works.
We will inform you about possible changes to the plan due to Covid-19 in accordance with the constantly evolving facts.